79% of Employees Prefer to Learn while Doing - See Full Study

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At Spekit, we wanted to learn what challenges Salesforce admins face the most when it came to training and documentation. Are they constantly pushing changes? How do they communicate on those changes? Do those methods map to how people want to learn?

Check out the following survey results to see what we learned!


  • When asked if you were installing a DVD player for the first time, 79% of the respondents answered, “I’m just gonna start plugging away, if I get stuck, I’ll google it or may search the manual.”
  • 50% of survey respondents said they make changes once per day in Salesforce!
  • 42% of survey respondents said they’re currently using email to communicate changes.
  • 37% of respondents said they have to stop their admin work 3X a day to answer questions!
  • 58% of survey respondents said, they do enjoy writing documentation, but it somehow always falls to the bottom of their priorities…every single day.
  • 47% of respondents said if they had more time on their hands, they’d spend it building awesome things in Salesforce

If you were installing a DVD player for the first time…

How do you like to learn? Are you a “read through the entire manual” before getting started kind of person? Or, the “dive right in and I’ll figure it out” individual? We wanted to understand how an individual’s learning preferences correlate to how we share knowledge and train in our work environments.

When asked the above question, 79% of the respondents answered, “I’m just gonna start plugging away, if I get stuck, I’ll google it or may search the manual.”

This tells us that people really love to learn while doing. When we think about training, how can we enable our teams to learn on-the-go, the moment a question arises? Only 5% of the respondents said they would read the full manual before getting started and 0% wanted to be shown step-by-step.

If reading the full manual is an LMS course and the step-by-step is a walkthrough training, how can we improve on these forms of learning knowing that employees would prefer contextual, just-in-time training?

How often do you make changes in Salesforce?

Adding a new field? A new custom object? A territory change? A process update? Our Salesforce instances are in a constant state of flux. So much so in fact that 50% of survey respondents said they make changes once per day in Salesforce!

How do you communicate these changes to your users?

Changes are being made every day. You can’t possibly host a training session for each one. So, how do you ensure updates are communicated as they’re happening? How do you ensure changes don’t slip through the cracks? 42% of survey respondents said they’re currently using email to communicate changes.

What if you could send a notification, an email AND auto-update training, anywhere it lives, all at the same time? Learn more here .

I have to stop my admin work to answer questions…

Feel a tap on your shoulder? Feel another and another? Questions that come up during our day-to-day drain time for both your Salesforce admin AND the time of each employee who has to stop whatever they’re currently doing to get a question answered.

In fact, 37% of respondents said they have to stop their admin work 3X a day to answer questions!

Do you love writing training and documentation for your users?

Let’s be honest, writing documentation isn’t everyone’s idea of a good time. While most of us agree that proper and effective documentation is absolutely necessary for employee training, it always seems to fall at the bottom of our priority list and ongoing maintenance can be incredibly tedious.

In fact, 58% of survey respondents said, they do enjoy writing documentation, but it somehow always falls to the bottom of their priorities…every single day.

If I had more time on my hands I would…

Imagine a world where documentation was automatically updated, training was shared across formats in a few clicks and nobody ever tapped you on the shoulder with questions again! What would you do with all that free time?

47% of respondents said they’d spend more time building awesome things in Salesforce and 37% would take more Trails! What would you do with your free time?

How are you currently training your employees? Do they need to read an entire course to learn a new tool? Are they forced to go step-by-step in a walkthrough without the option to discover answers when they need them, in their workflow?

We’d love to hear what successes or failures you’ve had along the training journey. You can access the full results of our study here .

And, if you’re looking for a solution that can help your team learn while doing, automate the tedious documentation tasks, give you your time back and eliminate repetitive questions – reach out to us and see for yourself!

About the author

Elle Morgan
Director, Content & Communications
Elle is a boy momma 2x, brand builder, storyteller, growth hacker, and marketing leader with 12+ years of experience scaling SaaS B2B organizations.
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