How to set up and manage the Salesforce integration in Spekit

Learn how to integrate Salesforce into Spekit and manage objects, fields, picklist values, and related Speks.

Spekit is an AppExchange Partner, meaning Spekit has been reviewed by the Salesforce security team and is SOC 2 certified. Spekit is unique in that we don’t install a package in your organization - we’re simply an API connection that a system Admin or an integration user can connect in one click.

Where can you access our Salesforce integration as an Admin?

As an Admin, you can go to Settings, click on “Connect,” and you’ll see Salesforce under Integrations. Once you’ve connected to Salesforce, you can sync at any time. We recommend you do this on your regularly scheduled release cadence. To select which objects you’d like us to track, click “Manage Objects” and import your objects. We recommend that you only import the objects that you plan to document. Once you’ve imported objects, you can find them by going to Wiki, clicking on “Content” and viewing the Objects tab. Make sure to select the Dictionary view to see all the objects, fields, and picklist values in a list view.

Related Speks

The related Speks is a unique feature of our Salesforce integration. If you click into Salesforce, you’ll see that on any given object, related Speks will show up by default in the sidebar. To relate a Spek, click on the Spek, select “Edit,” and add related objects. For long processes that span multiple objects, we recommend relating them to multiple objects.

Picklist Values

To import your picklist values, go to the web application, click “Industry” and select “Import Picklist.” You can document the picklist values here or import them to Wiki, where the picklist values will be ready for documentation.